Apply to Adopt Please leave this field empty. Email Address (required) Which animal are you interested in? (required) Your first and last name (required) Co-applicant first and last name Co-applicant relationship to you Street address City, State, and Zip code Home phone number Mobile phone number Which phone number should be used to contact you? HomeMobile What is the best time(s) to contact you? Please list the ages of all members of your household Which of these apply? Own my homeRentLive with parents or relatives If renting, please provide your landlord's name and phone number Do you have other pets living with you? If so, please provide their name, species, age and how long they have lived with you. Your veterinarian's name Your veterinarian's phone number Where will your pet be kept during the day? Where will your pet be kept when you and family members are not home? Where will your pet be kept at night? How many WAKING (not to be confused with walking) hours, a day, will you spend with your pet? Does your residence have a yard? Fully, partially or unfenced? dog run? dog door? Please describe all that apply. Have you ever sold, surrendered or given away a pet? If so, please explain.? How much do you estimate it will cost per year to care for your new pet? Why are you interested in this particular animal? Please tell us about your lifestyle and how this pet will fit into your life. Are you willing to enroll your pet in dog/puppy obedience class (if applicable)? YesNoMaybe How did you hear about us? I have read the below LIABILITY AGREEMENT and accept the terms (required) LIABILITY AGREEMENT I and those accompanying me fully understand the risk during a visit to a foster home or other location. We DO NOT hold Roll Over Animal Rescue, Inc. (ROAR) and its representatives liable for any injury, personal property damage, or other situation which may arise. I fully understand and accept the release of liability. Please answer YES or NO in the form above. Thank you for completing this application. Although we make every effort to contact applicants quickly, please be patient as we are an all-volunteer organization. If you have not heard from us within one week of sending your application, please contact us at Δ